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Religious Education

Where Does Religion Come From? 8 Theories

Where Does Religion Come From? 8 Theories

To answer the question Where Does Religion Come From, let us start by understanding what the religion is. The word religion comes from a Latin word ‘Religio’ which means ‘fear’ or ‘awe’ in the presence of something ‘spiritual/ godly’.

The nature of Zoroastrianism from Iran

The Zoroastrianism from Iran | All you Must-know

Zoroastrianism is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions. It was founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran. It is now one of the world’s smallest religions.

Sikhism from India

Sikhism from India. All you need to know

Sikhism was founded in the 16th century in the Punjab district of what is now India and Pakistan. It was founded by Guru Nanak and is based on his teachings and those of the nine Sikh gurus who followed him.

What you may not know about Taoism from China

Taoism from China. What you may not know

his article will avail you with important explanations on the nature of Taoism. It elucidates the concept of The Tao and the meaning of immortality in Taoism.

African Traditional Religion

African Traditional Religion – 5 Facts

This article introduces you to what African Traditional Religion is all about, its beliefs, rituals and practices. Religion is found in every human society.

Witchcraft and Sorcery in African Tradition

Witchcraft and Sorcery in African Tradition

To most Africans, witchcraft is an ugly reality. Witches are believed to be people with inherent power. Although some witches acquired these powers to protect their areas, it is mostly believed that the powers are evil

Magic and Medicine in African Tradition

Magic and Medicine in African Tradition

Magic is a ritual activity which influences human or natural events through access to an external mystical force. Thus, magic influence people and events.