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Development Studies

Product Classification in Just 9 Points

Learn Product Classification in Just 9 Points

Several product classification systems have been devised for the efficient marketing of products and services. In the first place, all products and services can be broadly grouped into two major classes on the bases of the types

The Growth Pole Theory

The Growth Pole Theory

Growth pole is the concentration of technically advanced industries that stimulate economic development in associated businesses and industries.

Modernisation and Stages of Growth by Lewis and Rostow

Modernisation and Stages of Growth

Lewis and Rostow both focused on rising per capita income as the central measure of growth; they conceived of economic development as a modernisation

Unbalanced Growth and income Distribution

Unbalanced Growth and income Distribution

Hirschman stressed his point by saying that if a country were ready to apply the doctrine of unbalanced growth, then it would not be underdeveloped.

Elimination of Dependency by Warren

Elimination of Dependency. How does it Work?

In his Elimination of Dependency suggested process, Warren’s main point was; certainly imperialism has led to the creation of a system characterised by inequality and exploitation

Economic Growth and Food Security


This article explains the relationship between economic growth and food security as a pre-requisite to enhancing food security. Interventions that promote food security at different levels require financial.