The Growth Pole Theory
Growth pole is the concentration of technically advanced industries that stimulate economic development in associated businesses and industries.
Growth pole is the concentration of technically advanced industries that stimulate economic development in associated businesses and industries.
Lewis and Rostow both focused on rising per capita income as the central measure of growth; they conceived of economic development as a modernisation
Hirschman stressed his point by saying that if a country were ready to apply the doctrine of unbalanced growth, then it would not be underdeveloped.
In his Elimination of Dependency suggested process, Warren’s main point was; certainly imperialism has led to the creation of a system characterised by inequality and exploitation
Baran conceptualized the causes of underdevelopment in much the same way as his contemporary non-Marxist economists.
Neo-Marxism theories of underdevelopment and dependency appeared during the 1950s, partly as a reaction against the growth and modernization theories, partly as the outcome of a long-standing debate concerning the impact of imperialism. The early… Read More »Neo-Marxism Theories of Underdevelopment and Dependency
One of the distinguish characteristics of developing countries is that their trade tends to be dominated by the export of primary commodities.
Many economists have recently argued that it is weak institutional structures that are the fundamental causes of underdevelopment because the character of institutions is the determinant of all the proximate causes of progress such as investment, education, trade and so on.
Here are Some characteristics of developing countries that contribute to the low levels of labour productivity and poor economic performance
Introduction Andrea Gunder Frank, like Baran, was interested in identifying the causes of underdevelopment, but unlike his predecessor he did not lay great emphasis on the social classes and their control over the economic surplus.… Read More »Metropoles and Satellites According to Baran
the capitalist mode of production has only permeated the centre economies and their international relations with the periphery.
Arghiri Emmanuel’s theory of unequal exchange, dating from the late 1960s, was in certain respects in extension of Prebisch’s and Singer’s analyses of the deteriorating terms of trade
Dependency development is an area of dependency theory which is mainly concerned with the efforts made to export primary resources from countries which are resource-rich but industry-poor.